The holidays are coming! Starting with Halloween and going all the way until New Years Day, we’ve got at least one holiday every month. For some, the holidays can spark excitement and happiness, for others it may bring stress and anxiety. It can even bring a mix of both! There are so many extra things thrown into your schedule—family coming into town, flights to see friends, planning the festivities, kids home from school—that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Not to mention the stress and anxiety to stick to a healthy diet while an abundance of delicious sweets are being served at every event. With so much chaos surrounding the next couple of months, here are a couple of ways you can bring some consistency into your life.

1. Plan out your meals for the week. Grocery shop on the same day every week and stick to your meal plan.
2. Schedule in regular outdoor or exercise time, even if it’s grabbing the mail or walking your dog at the same time every single day. You deserve some dedicated “you time”.
3. Try our weight loss and management program. We create a specialized program just for you that gives you the tools you need to succeed in your weight loss (and management) journey. We take the guesswork out of losing weight and support you the entire time so you can have long term results!
Here at Rising Health Solutions, we want to help you meet your goals and surpass them this holiday season. We would love to work with you and together create a personalized weight loss or management program that fits your life. You should be able to truly enjoy the holidays with family and friends. Give us a call today at 480-698-4111 or email us at to set up a free consultation!